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addEntry(AudioNodeEntry) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Adds a not-null AudioNode and opens a connection to it based on the information provided by the AudioNodeEntry.
addListener(AudioEventListener) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Adds a listener to this player.
addNode(AudioNode) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Adds a not-null AudioNode and opens a connection to it (if it isn't already open).
Asserter - Class in samophis.lavalink.client.util
Asserts that an object has to be not-null or that a number has to be positive.
AudioNode - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents a remote, independent audio-sending node running Lavalink Server that the client connects to.
AudioNodeEntry - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents an entry for an AudioNode with configuration options.
AudioWrapper - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Wraps a playlist of loaded tracks or a singular track into one object.


closeConnection() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Attempts to close the current connection to the matching Lavalink Node.
closeConnection(SocketConnectionHandler) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Attempts to close the current connection, assigning a callback to be called upon the socket closing.
ConfigurationFormatException - Exception in samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions
Thrown in response to the configuration file being badly formatted, such as if certain properties are missing.
ConfigurationFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions.ConfigurationFormatException
ConfigurationFormatException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions.ConfigurationFormatException
connect(String, String, String) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Sends a Voice Update to the currently set/connected AudioNode, setting the state to CONNECTED.


DEFAULT_BASE_INTERVAL - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The default reconnect "base" interval to use.
DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRE_ACCESS - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The default cache expire-after-access time, in milliseconds.
DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRE_WRITE - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The default cache expire-after-write time, in milliseconds.
DEFAULT_INTERVAL_EXPANDER - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The default interval expander, equivalent to raising 2 to the amount of reconnect attempts.
DEFAULT_INTERVAL_UNIT - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The default TimeUnit to wait for the provided interval in.
DEFAULT_MAX_INTERVAL - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The value the reconnect interval is capped to.
DEFAULT_PASSWORD - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The default password to use for the Lavalink-Server.
DEFAULT_REST_PORT - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The default port to use for the Lavalink-Server REST API.
DEFAULT_WS_PORT - Static variable in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
The default port to use for the Lavalink-Server WebSocket.
destroyPlayer() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Requests the Lavalink-Server to destroy the player.


emitEvent(PlayerEvent) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Emits an event to all listeners attached to the player.
EventWaiter - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents a "logical" waiter used to send a full Voice Update to a possibly-provided AudioNode upon all the information being available.
expand(AudioNode, long) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.ReconnectIntervalFunction
The actual expander method itself.


from(LavaClient, AudioNode, Consumer<AudioNode>, long) - Static method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Creates a new EventWaiter object for an associated AudioNode and Guild ID.
from(LavaClient, AudioNode, long) - Static method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Creates a new EventWaiter object for an associated AudioNode and Guild ID.
from(LavaClient, long) - Static method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Creates a new EventWaiter using the "best node" that has the least load on it and an associated Guild ID.
from(LavaClient, Consumer<AudioNode>, long) - Static method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Creates a new EventWaiter object using the best AudioNode and provied Guild ID.
from(String) - Static method in enum samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadType
Returns the LoadType associated with a provided name, returning LoadType.UNKNOWN otherwise.
from(String, BiConsumer<WebSocket, String>) - Static method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.SocketHandler
Creates a new SocketHandler instance with a provided name and event handler.
fromAudioTrack(AudioTrack) - Static method in class samophis.lavalink.client.util.LavaClientUtil
Converts a Lavaplayer AudioTrack into an encoded Base64 stream.


getAllocatedMemory() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the amount of allocated memory, in bytes.
getAudioNodes() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Used to fetch an unmodifiable list of all the AudioNodes this client can connect to.
getAverageFrameDeficitPerMinute() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics.Frames
Fetches the average amount of deficit frames per minute, zero-if-null.
getAverageFramesNulledPerMinute() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics.Frames
Fetches the average amount of null frames per minute, zero-if-null.
getAverageFramesSentPerMinute() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics.Frames
Fetches the average amount of frames sent per minute, zero-if-null.
getBalancer() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Fetches the not-null LoadBalancer that is responsible for determining the penalty imposed on the node.
getBaseReconnectInterval() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns the "default" interval, which is used to set the actual interval before and after successful reconnects.
getBaseReconnectInterval() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Returns a user-specified (or default) "base" interval used for reconnection purposes.
getBestNode() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the AudioNode with the least amount of load on it, used to balance the load of LavaPlayers on different nodes.
getCacheExpireAfterAccessMs() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the amount of time from which track data will removed from the cache after being accessed (after being written).
getCacheExpireAfterWriteMs() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the amount of time from which track data will be removed from the cache after being written without being accessed.
getCallback() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Fetches the possibly-null callback used to execute code directly after a connection attempt while preserving order.
getChannelId() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Fetches the ID of the Voice Channel this player is associated with.
getClient() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns the not-null LavaClient associated with this node object.
getClient() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches the LavaClient instance associated with this entry.
getClient() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Fetches the LavaClient instance specified during construction of this event waiter.
getClient() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaHttpManager
Fetches the LavaClient associated with this manager.
getClient() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Fetches the LavaClient instance this player is attached to.
getConnectedNode() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Fetches the AudioNode this player will attempt to send data to.
getConnectionCallback() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns a possibly-null SocketConnectionHandler specified by the user after a WebSocket Connection to this node successfully opens.
getCpuCores() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the amount of CPU Cores.
getCpuPenalty() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadBalancer
Fetches the CPU penalty imposed on the attached AudioNode.
getDeficitFramePenalty() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadBalancer
Fetches the deficit frame penalty on the attached AudioNode.
getDisconnectionCallback() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns a possibly-null SocketConnectionHandler specified by the user after the WebSocket Connection to this node closes.
getEndpoint() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Fetches the Voice Server Endpoint as set by the end-user.
getEndpoint() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
The last Voice Server Endpoint previously used to connect to a Lavalink Node, stored by LavaClient for later use with re-connecting.
getEntry() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns the actual, not-null entry used to create this node object.
getFrames() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the possibly-null Frames information.
getFreeMemory() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the amount of free memory, in bytes.
getGlobalBaseReconnectInterval() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the default "base" interval for reconnecting purposes, used for default values and "expansion".
getGlobalIntervalExpander() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the default interval "expander", used to change the reconnect interval for the next reconnect attempt.
getGlobalIntervalTimeUnit() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the default TimeUnit which is used to actually wait for the intervals in a good unit, such as MILLISECONDS, HOURS, etc.
getGlobalMaximumReconnectInterval() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the default maximum interval for reconnecting purposes, used to cap the provided reconnect interval so that it never gets too high.
getGlobalRestPort() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the default REST API port for all AudioNodes the client has access to.
getGlobalServerPassword() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the default password for all AudioNodes the client has access to.
getGlobalWebSocketPort() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the default WebSocket port for all AudioNodes the client has access to.
getGuildId() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Fetches the ID of the Guild to open an Audio Stream to, as specified by the end-user.
getGuildId() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Fetches the ID of the Guild this player is associated with.
getHandlerByName(String) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Attempts to fetch a SocketHandler registered to this entry associated with a given name.
getHandlerMap() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches an unmodifiable view of the internal SocketHandler map.
getHandlers() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches an unmodifiable list containing all the SocketHandlers registered to this entry.
getHttpAddress() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches the HTTP address of the AudioNode this entry represents, as used by the LavaHttpManager class.
getHttpManager() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Used to fetch the LavaHttpManager associated with this client, which is used to get track data from an identifier.
getIdentifierCache() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the internal identifier cache used by LavaClient to cut down the impact of loading the same sources in quick succession.
getIntervalExpander() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns a user-specified ReconnectIntervalFunction or the default one if it wasn't manually specified.
getIntervalExpander() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Returns a user-specified (or default) ReconnectIntervalFunction used to change the next interval for the next reconnect attempt.
getIntervalTimeUnit() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns the time unit LavaClient will attempt to wait in before attempting to reconnect.
getIntervalTimeUnit() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Returns a user-specified (or default) TimeUnit needed for LavaClient to know how long to wait for.
getLavalinkLoad() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the amount of Lavalink load.
getListeners() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Retrieves an unmodifiable list of all the listeners attached to this player.
getLoadedTracks() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioWrapper
Returns an unmodifiable, NOT-null list containing all the TrackDataPairs.
getLoadType() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioWrapper
Returns the type of loading that occurred.
getMaximumReconnectInterval() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns the maximum interval LavaClient will wait before attempting to reconnect.
getMaximumReconnectInterval() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Returns a user-specified (or default) maximum interval used for reconnection purposes.
getName() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.SocketHandler
Returns the not-null name of this handler (the name of the OP it responds to).
getNode() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Fetches the not-null AudioNode this EventWaiter will send an update to.
getNode() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadBalancer
Fetches The AudioNode attached to this LoadBalancer.
getNode() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the AudioNode connected to this Statistics object.
getNodeByIdentifier(String, int) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches an AudioNode by address and port.
getNullFramePenalty() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadBalancer
Fetches the null frame penalty on the attached AudioNode.
getPassword() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches the password of the associated AudioNode.
getPlayerByGuildId(long) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches a LavaPlayer instance by Guild ID.
getPlayerMap() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches an unmodifiable view of the internal player map.
getPlayerPenalty() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadBalancer
Fetches the penalty of the players imposed on the attached AudioNode.
getPlayers() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Used to fetch an unmodifiable list of all the LavaPlayers associated with this client.
getPlayers() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the total amount of all connected players.
getPlayingPlayers() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the amount of playing players.
getPlayingTrack() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Fetches the Lavaplayer AudioTrack currently playing, as updated internally by LavaClient.
getPlaylistName() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioWrapper
Returns the possibly-null name of the playlist this object wraps.
getPosition() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Fetches The position of the player.
getRawAddress() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches the server address of the AudioNode this entry represents, as provided by the user through an AudioNodeEntryBuilder.
getReconnectAttempts() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns the current amount of reconnects that have been attempted by LavaClient, set to zero if either none have been attempted or right after a reconnect succeeds.
getReconnectInterval() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns the interval last used to try to reconnect to this node, set to the base reconnect interval if a reconnect hasn't been attempted, or just after a reconnect has succeeded.
getReservableMemory() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the amount of reservable memory, in bytes.
getRestPort() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches the REST API port of the associated AudioNode.
getSelectedTrack() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioWrapper
Returns the possibly-null TrackDataPair resembling the selected track of the playlist this object wraps.
getSessionId() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Fetches the Session ID as set by the end-user.
getSessionId() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
The last Session ID previously used to connect to a Lavalink Node, stored by LavaClient for later use with re-connecting.
getShardCount() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the amount of shards specified during the construction of the LavaClient instance.
getSocket() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns the raw, possibly-null, third-party WebSocket connection to the node.
getSocketInitializer() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches the possibly-null SocketInitializer used to "initialize" a LavaClient WebSocket connection.
getState() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Returns the not-null current State of this player.
getStatistics() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Fetches the possibly-null Statistics data sent from this specific node, updated every minute.
getSystemLoad() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the amount of system load.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Fetches the UNIX Timestamp as provided by the player update events from the Lavalink-Server.
getToken() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Fetches the Voice Token (NOT the same as an Account Token) as set by the end-user.
getTotalPenalty() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadBalancer
Fetches the total penalty on the attached AudioNode.
getTrack() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.TrackDataPair
Returns the actual AudioTrack object itself, constructed from the provided, encoded track data.
getTrackData() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.TrackDataPair
Returns the encoded track data as provided by the Lavalink Server.
getUptime() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the uptime of the AudioNode, in milliseconds.
getUsedMemory() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.Statistics
Fetches the amount of used memory, in bytes.
getUserId() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches the User ID of the Bot User specified during the construction of the LavaClient instance.
getVoiceToken() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
The last Voice Token previously used to connect to a Lavalink Node, stored by LavaClient for later use with re-connecting.
getVolume() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Fetches the current volume of the player.
getWebSocketAddress() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches the WebSocket address (with the 'ws://' scheme) of the AudioNode this entry represents.
getWebSocketFactory() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns a user-specified WebSocketFactory or the default LavaClient-provided one used to create WebSocket instances.
getWebSocketFactory() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Returns a user-specified (or default) WebSocketFactory used to create the sockets needed to connect to nodes.
getWebSocketPort() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNodeEntry
Fetches the WebSocket port of the associated AudioNode.


handleConnection(AudioNode, WebSocket) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.SocketConnectionHandler
Called by LavaClient upon a AudioNode's WebSocket connection to Lavalink closing/opening.
handleIncoming(WebSocket, String) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.SocketHandler
Responds to an incoming OP from Lavalink in some pre-defined manner.
HttpRequestException - Exception in samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions
Represents an exception thrown by LavaClient caused by an issue with a HTTP Request to the Lavalink Server.
HttpRequestException(Exception) - Constructor for exception samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions.HttpRequestException
HttpRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions.HttpRequestException


initialize(WebSocket) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.SocketInitializer
The actual method used to initialize a pre-created WebSocket before a connection is made with it.
isAvailable() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns whether or not the WebSocket connection is open (available).
isPaused() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Whether or not the player is currently paused.
isPlaylist() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioWrapper
Determines whether or not the loaded tracks are the contents of a playlist or simply a search result.
isUsingLavalinkVersionThree() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Returns whether or not this node is running Lavalink v3 based on response headers from the initial connection.


LavaClient - Class in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents the LavaClient implementation of Lavalink, with default constants matching those of the Lavalink-Server, collections of nodes, players, etc.
LavaClientUtil - Class in samophis.lavalink.client.util
Contains two utility methods used to convert to and from Lavaplayer AudioTracks.
LavaHttpManager - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
This class is the manager which allows LavaClient to send requests to get information from a track for use in both the client and the server.
LavaPlayer - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents a Guild-specific player instance similar to the default Lavalink Client's Link + IPlayer classes.
ListenerException - Exception in samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions
Represents an exception thrown within an AudioEventListener.
ListenerException(Exception) - Constructor for exception samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions.ListenerException
LoadBalancer - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Used to fetch the penalties of the attached AudioNode in order to determine the best node to use.
loadTracks(String) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Uses the AudioNode with the least load acting upon it to load the track(s) associated with an identifier.
loadTracksAsync(String, Consumer<AudioWrapper>) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Asynchronously loads track(s) using the AudioNode with the least load acting upon it.
LoadType - Enum in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents the type of the loaded source from the LavaHttpManager.resolveTracks(String, Consumer) method.


newPlayer(AudioNode, long) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches a not-null LavaPlayer instance associated with a positive Guild ID.
newPlayer(long) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Fetches a not-null LavaPlayer instance associated with a positive Guild ID.


openConnection() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Attempts to open a connection to the matching Lavalink Node.
openConnection(SocketConnectionHandler) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.AudioNode
Attempts to open a connection to this node, assigning a callback to be called upon the socket actually opening.


playTrack(AudioTrack) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Plays a track using the best, available AudioNode.
playTrack(AudioTrack, long, long) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Plays a track using the best, available AudioNode.
playTrack(String) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Plays a track using the best, available AudioNode.
playTrack(String, long, long) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Plays a track using the best, available AudioNode.


ReconnectIntervalFunction - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
A function used by LavaClient to determine how to expand the reconnection interval upon the next reconnect attempt.
removeEntry(AudioNodeEntry) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Attempts to remove the AudioNode associated with the provided, not-null AudioNodeEntry.
removeEntry(String, int) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Attempts to remove the AudioNode associated with a provided server address and port.
removeNode(AudioNode) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Attempts to remove a not-null AudioNode.
removePlayer(long, boolean) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Attempts to remove a LavaPlayer instance associated with a positive Guild ID.
removePlayer(long) - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Attempts to remove a LavaPlayer instance associated with a positive Guild ID.
requireNotNegative(int) - Static method in class samophis.lavalink.client.util.Asserter
Asserts that an integer must be positive (not-negative) and returns the provided integer if it is.
requireNotNegative(long) - Static method in class samophis.lavalink.client.util.Asserter
Asserts that a long must be positive (not-negative) and returns the provided long if it is.
requireNotNull(T) - Static method in class samophis.lavalink.client.util.Asserter
Asserts that an object must be not-null and returns the provided object if it is.
resolveTracks(String, Consumer<AudioWrapper>) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaHttpManager
Sends a request to the AudioNode with the least load on it to resolve track(s) based on the provided identifier.


samophis.lavalink.client.entities - package samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Contains all the entities and their implementations LavaClient uses.
samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions - package samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions
Contains all the Exception classes LavaClient makes use of.
samophis.lavalink.client.util - package samophis.lavalink.client.util
Contains utility singletons/classes which contain helpful code independent of other classes.
seek(long) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Skips to a certain position in a track.
setNode(AudioNode) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Sets the node to connect and send data to.
setPaused(boolean) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Sets whether or not to pause playback.
setServerAndTryConnect(String, String) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Sets the Voice Token and Endpoint, attempting to connect if the Session ID has also been set.
setSessionIdAndTryConnect(String) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Sets the Session ID and tries to connect if both the Voice Token and Endpoint have also been set.
setVolume(int) - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Sets the volume of playback.
shutdown() - Method in class samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaClient
Shuts down LavaClient (also resetting the state).
shutdown() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaHttpManager
Shuts down the internal HTTP Client used to make requests in the first place.
SocketConnectionException - Exception in samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions
Error thrown during an attempt from LavaClient to connect to an AudioNode.
SocketConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception samophis.lavalink.client.exceptions.SocketConnectionException
Captures a previously thrown Throwable and re-throws it as a SocketConnectionException.
SocketConnectionHandler - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
A handler/callback which accepts an AudioNode and an WebSocket, both of which shouldn't be null if called from LavaClient and not manually.
SocketHandler - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
A handler which takes incoming messages from Lavalink Nodes and responds in some way.
SocketInitializer - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents an initializer that allows users to modify the raw WebSocket instance before LavaClient opens a connection to it.
State - Enum in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents the state of a LavaPlayer instance.
Statistics - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents the statistics for a given AudioNode, updated every minute.
Statistics.Frames - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents the possibly-null frame statistics provided every minute by the Lavalink-Server.
stopTrack() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LavaPlayer
Requests the Lavalink Server to stop playback


toAudioTrack(String) - Static method in class samophis.lavalink.client.util.LavaClientUtil
Converts an encoded Base64 stream into a Lavaplayer AudioTrack object.
TrackDataPair - Interface in samophis.lavalink.client.entities
Represents a pair between a Lavaplayer AudioTrack and its encoded data.
tryConnect() - Method in interface samophis.lavalink.client.entities.EventWaiter
Attempts to connect to the provided AudioNode regardless of current state.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum samophis.lavalink.client.entities.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum samophis.lavalink.client.entities.LoadType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum samophis.lavalink.client.entities.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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